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REALITY DAD is screening internationally on TFC - The Filipino Channel!

June 9, 2024


Charlene is in another FIFTH THIRD BANK spot!

June 4, 2024


TED is renewed for Season 2!

May 9, 2024


Charlene is in another FIFTH THIRD BANK spot!

January 16, 2024


The Seth MacFarlane comedy that Charlene wrote for, Ted, premiered on Peacock!

January 11, 2024




November 4, 2023


Occidental College - Choi Auditorium

Los Angeles, CA


Charlene is the guest monologist at FILIPINO AF at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre!

October 5, 2023


UCB Franklin


Charlene is in a FIFTH THIRD BANK spot

September 5, 2023



October 6, 2023


AMC Plaza Bonita, National City



September 23, 2023


Alamo Drafthouse Cinema DC, Washington, DC



September 21, 2023


Scottish Rite Event Center, Long Beach



July 24, 2023


Regal Cinema, LA LIVE



June 2, 2023


RoleCall Theater



REALITY DAD is screening at CAAMFEST!

May 18, 2023


Roxie Theater

San Francisco


The short film Charlene directed, co-wrote, and performed in, REALITY DAD, will be screening at the OMAHA FILM FESTIVAL!

March 9, 2023


Aksarben Cinema


Charlene is in an AT&T spot for March Madness

March 1, 2023


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Charlene is in this WORKDAY spot that airs during the Super Bowl!

February 12, 2023


Charlene talks about trauma and art on Aimee Mann's Audible Original, "STRAW INTO GOLD"

January 6, 2023


Charlene is in a CALIFORNIA LOTTERY spot!

November 7, 2022


Charlene is a guest on the JOURNALS OF A LOVE ADDICT podcast

September 8, 2022


Charlene wrote for an upcoming comedy for PEACOCK!

July 18, 2022



Charlene is featured in a BUSH'S BAKED BEANS ad

June 9, 2002



Charlene is part of a live reading of I MARRIED A MONSTER FROM OUTER SPACE at the TCM Classic Film Festival

April 24, 2022


Chinese Multiplex


Charlene is featured in a TRIXIE COSMETICS campaign!

February 23, 2022


Charlene is in a national GEICO spot!

February 7, 2022


Charlene is featured in a MERGE MANSION spot with Kathy Bates!

December 13, 2021


Charlene is featured in a PSA for SCIENCE MOMS!

April 29, 2021


Charlene's short, "INNER CHILD" is an official selection of the Allies in Arts 2020 Collection and their Sony Pictures Reel Her in Showcase!

December 15, 2020

Charlene's short film, "THE GHOST" is an official selection of the Quarantine International Film Festival's Halloween Horror challenge!

October 21, 2020

Another short film made in quarantine!


It was screened at the Globe Cinema in Calgary on October 30th and received the AUDIENCE AWARD!

Charlene in Cinema Sala's SKRIPTS OUT LOUD

August 29, 2020

Charlene performs in the Zoom table read for Thomas Reyes' TV pilot, VEGAS BABY!

Register here and support Filipino talent!

Charlene on the I BURN EVERYTHING podcast

August 26, 2020

Charlene returns to I BURN EVERYTHING for their 100th episode and season finale! She gives Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz intuitive readings and the accuracy is shocking!

Listen here! 

New short: "INNER CHILD"

August 6, 2020

New short made in quarantine! Watch it here!

Charlene is a guest on Quibi's SEXOLOGY WITH SHAN BOODRAM

August 3, 2020

Charlene talks about recovery from love addiction. Watch it on Quibi!

Charlene's short film, "I KNOW THIS IS WEIRD" is an official selection for the Quarantine International Film Festival!

May 30, 2020

Charlene made another film in quarantine for the second round of the Quarantine International Film Festival.

Directed, written, performed and edited by Charlene.


I KNOW THIS IS WEIRD won Best Comedy, and Best Performance.


Watch it here! 

Charlene in PONY BOY music video, "OSCAR WILDE"

May 5, 2020

Charlene stars in this Pony Boy music video for "Oscar Wilde," directed by Melissa Hunter.


It was featured in American Songwriter!

Charlene's short film, "AS WE KNOW IT" is an official selection for the Quarantine International Film Festival!

April 11, 2020

AS WE KNOW IT, a 5-minute film that was made in 3 days during quarantine, was officially selected for the QUARANTINE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. Directed, written by, and starring Charlene.

It also won BEST COMEDY and was nominated for BEST PERFORMANCE!


UNLOVABLE soundtrack out now!

December 1, 2019

Featuring the amazing score by Christopher French, and full-length recordings by John Hawkes and Charlene deGuzman. On iTunes and Spotify!


October 21, 2019

AsAm News: Charlene deGuzman, Vincent Rodriguez III and host of Fil Am Celebrities release video celebrating Filipino American History Month

October 15, 2019

"A new funny but educational PSA has been released by actor, writer, and director Charlene deGuzman to commemorate Filipino American History Month."

Read more!

Charlene releases "FILIPINO: A PSA"!

October 14, 2019

For Filipino American History Month, Charlene wrote, produced, and directed this PSA featuring Filipino-American actors Vincent Rodriguez III, Ginger Gonzaga, Tess Paras, Jason Rogel, Eugene Cordero, and herself! The PSA educates viewers on Filipino history, culture, contributions, and prominent figures and encourages Filipino representation in the entertainment industry.

Watch it now!

Charlene at the Film Independent Forum!

April 28, 2019

Charlene is on the panel: 


In Short: Getting Past the Calling Card

Sunday 11:15AM

LMU Playa Vista campus

Register here!

Charlene on the MIRROR OF INTIMACY podcast

April 8, 2019

Charlene talks with Alexandra Katehakis of the Center for Healthy Sex!

Watch it here, or listen here!

Charlene is a panelist at Fil-Am Creative's WOMXN IN FILM

March 30, 2019

Charlene is one of four Filipino women on this panel!

Tickets here!

Charlene on WHAT'S YOUR DEAL? podcast

March 27, 2019

Charlene was invited by tarot reader Ariana Lenarsky to talk about how she got into "witch shit" and her first spooky experiences with the spirit world. Then Ariana read her tarot! 

Give it a listen here!

UNLOVABLE at the William & Mary Global Film Festival

February 2, 2019

Charlene is a special guest at the William & Mary Global Film Festival!

Saturday, February 2nd


Kimball Theatre 

Williamsburg, VA

Get your tickets here!

UNLOVABLE nominated for an Artios Award from the Casting Society of America!

January 4, 2019

Congratulations to UNLOVABLE casting directors Meg Morman and Sunday Boling!

See the nominees here!

THE DRUNK MONKEYS: Top 10 Films OF 2018

December 29, 2018

"Unlovable bounces with the unbridled energy of Charlene deGuzman, who also wrote the film, drawing on her own experiences with sex and love addiction."

UNLOVABLE makes another Best of 2018 list!

ONLINE ATHENS: The Top 10 Movies of 2018

December 20, 2018

"Remember when R-rated comedies weren’t all just gross and mean? In this expertly orchestrated indie, director Suzi Yoonessi and star Charlene deGuzman address the subject of sex addiction with appropriate frankness while crafting a musically-themed romance that’s about finding love for yourself rather than falling in it with another person. Co-star John Hawkes and deGuzman rock in more ways than one and leave you feeling incredibly satisfied."

Read more

FILM SCHOOL REJECTS: The Best Movies You Missed in 2018

December 14, 2018

"Charlene deGuzman cuts into her personal battle with sex and love addiction, and with the aid of director Suzi Yoonessi, delivers a cathartic dramedy that refuses to fall into Hollywood stereotype. Guided by top-tier method sidekicks in the form of Melissa Leo and John Hawkes, deGuzman cruises through the narrative with boundless enthusiasm, winning the audience despite chaotic character choices that never seem manipulated by the script as much as by the insanity of everyday rebellious psychology. In other hands, Unlovable could sway into RomCom pap or dreary indie melodrama, but through deGuzman and Yoonessi, the film champions the battle with the muck we all have stagnating under the surface."

UNLOVABLE makes the list!

BUST: How I Recovered From Sex And Love Addiction

December 12, 2018

Charlene on ETHNICALLY AMBIGUOUS podcast!

November 28, 2018

Charlene talks about UNLOVABLE, her relationship with herself, the emotional detachment of immigrant families, and overcoming sex and love addiction. 

Listen here!

Charlene on 51 FIRST DATES podcast!

November 6, 2018

If you keep finding yourself in the same bad relationship patterns, this is a great interview to listen to! Charlene talks about her addiction, recovery, making UNLOVABLE, and a healthy dating plan!

Listen here!

LA SCREENWRITER: Charlene deGuzman on Writing Her Experience with Sex and Love Addiction

November 7, 2018

"For me, it’s so important to be in the flow. I put myself in front of the computer, and I say, 'We’re going to sit here for an hour and see if anything comes up.' And for me, I’ve learned that forcing it just isn’t worth it. Because whenever the time is right and it does show up, that’s when I’m on the computer all day. I can feel it when it is being channeled out of me and onto the screen."

Read more here!

WOMEN AND HOLLYWOOD: Guest Post: How I Branched Out from “Ethnic Friend” to Leading Lady in “Unlovable”

November 5, 2018

"I wanted Filipino girls to be able to see me on-screen and not only have proof that being a movie star is possible — but that their voices matter and they matter. They are needed. I wanted them to know that no matter who they are, what they look like, or what has happened to them, they are worthy of love, and that love comes from within.

I wanted to present a new idea: that a Filipino woman isn’t just the 'ethnic friend.' She can be the star."

Read it here!

GIRL BONER RADIO: Healing from Sex and Love Addiction: Unlovable's Charlene deGuzman

November 5, 2018

"...but the truth is that there are gifts in the triggers, because whatever it is pushing within you, whatever button that is, it’s something that’s coming up to be healed. So if you’re having this big uncontrollable reaction to something, yes, first acknowledge that. Learn to love that and tend to it. But also, there’s something there that needs to be listened to, acknowledged, felt. A big part of my recovery was learning how to feel feelings."

Listen to it here!

NPR: Behind The Real Sex And Love Addiction In The Musical Film 'Unlovable'

November 4, 2018

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS WITH DR. KATE & LAUREN: Trauma, Women and Sex and Love Addiction, with Dr. Stefanie Carnes and Charlene deGuzman

November 3, 2018

Charlene was on KABC-AM 790 TalkRadio! Listen here!

AV CLUB: Video: Charlene deGuzman, John Hawkes, and Suzi Yoonessi are pretty sure any of them can replace Mick Jagger

November 1, 2018

SHEKNOWS: What It's Really Like to Live With Sex & Love Addiction

November 1, 2018

FOX NEWS: Sex, love addiction portrayed in ‘Unlovable,’ the ‘life-saving’ film that tells Charlene deGuzman’s story

November 1, 2018

“When I started recovery, something that was very powerful for me and helped me with my healing was being in this room with all those other people,” she said. “And there were all kinds of people. All walks of life. All ages. It really made me feel less alone. I thought when I was experiencing this, I must have been crazy and broken and unlovable. I never knew I wasn’t alone in this. So many people have stories similar to mine.”

Read it here.

BUSTLE: 17 November 2018 Movies Written Or Directed By Women That You Cannot Miss

October 31, 2018

HARPER'S BAZAAR: 19 New Movies You Must See in Theaters in November

October 31, 2018

LOS ANGELES TIMES: Review: Charlene deGuzman proves to be the opposite in indie comedy 'Unlovable'

October 31, 2018

"'Unlovable' is the rare indie film that gets just the right level of twee. DeGuzman’s voice is specific and vital..."

Read it here!

ET: Melissa Leo Leads a Sex and Love Addiction Meeting in 'Unlovable' (Exclusive)

October 30, 2018


October 30, 2018

"Every festival, I’ve had people come up to me after, sometimes they’re in tears. They’re telling me their stories, they’re telling me that they have the same addiction, they’re sharing their personal stories. That’s exactly what I wanted from this film, just to be able to connect with other people on this level and get rid of the shame around it so we can talk about it and feel it. So it’s been really amazing. To this day I’ll get emails from people who’ve seen it and are getting help because of it, and that’s what really means the world to me."

SEX ACTUALLY PODCAST: Overcoming Sex & Love Addiction with Charlene deGuzman

October 29, 2018

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Unlovable exclusive clip: See Melissa Leo, Charlene deGuzman in sex and love addiction dramedy

October 26, 2018

THE WRAP: Melissa Leo Coaches a Sex Addict in SXSW Dramedy ‘Unlovable’ (Exclusive Video)

Octoer 22, 2018

UNLOVABLE available for pre-order on iTunes!

October 24, 2018

UNLOVABLE at the San Diego Asian Film Festival!

November 11, 2018

Where to see UNLOVABLE!

November 1-2, 2018

Here is the list of theaters where you can see UNLOVABLE on November 1st or 2nd! And don't forget, it's on VOD on November 2nd!

Los Angeles: Arena Cinelounge (Hollywood)
Atlanta: AMC Barrett Commons 24 (Kennesaw)
Boston: AMC Liberty Tree Mall 20 (Danvers)
Chicago: AMC Loews Woodridge 18 (Woodridge)
Cleveland-Akron: AMC Classic Solon 16 (Solon)
Dallas-Ft. Worth: AMC Classic Mesquite 10 (Mesquite)
Detroit: AMC Star Great Lakes 25 (Auburn Hills)
Phoenix: AMC Arizona Center 24
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose: AMC Deer Valley 16 (Antioch)
Kansas City: AMC Independence Commons 20 (Independence)

Free LA screening with Center for Healthy Sex and LA Film School!

October 29, 2018

Join Center for Healthy Sex for a FREE private screening of UNLOVABLE! Panel to follow with Charlene deGuzman, Suzi Yoonessi, and sex and love addiction expert and clinical director of CHS, Dr. Alex Katehakis!

Click here to RSVP!

October 29, 2018


LA Film School

6363 Sunset Blvd.


INDIEWIRE: ‘Unlovable’ Trailer: Melissa Leo and John Hawkes Are Estranged Siblings in Duplass-Produced Sex Addiction Dramedy

October 18, 2018

Watch the Trailer for UNLOVABLE on EXTRATV!

October 17, 2018

UNLOVABLE receives the James Lyon Editing Award for Narrative Feature at The Woodstock Film Festival!

October 13, 2018



October 18-31, 2018

The LA Film Festival adds a second screening of UNLOVABLE!

September 27, 2018

Since the first screening sold out so fast, The LA Film Festival has added another screening!

September 27, 2018


ArcLight Santa Monica

Click here for tickets!

DEADLINE: SXSW Pic ‘Unlovable’ Scores Orion Classics Deal For November Premiere

September 5, 2018

"Orion Classics has acquired North American and Latin American rights to Unlovable, the musical dramatic comedy that had its world premiere this year at SXSW. The pic, directed by Suzi Yoonessi based on co-writer and star Charlene deGuzman’s real-life experiences with sex and love addiction, will hit U.S. theaters November 1 and digitally November 2."

Read more!

VARIETY: SXSW Winner ‘Unlovable’ Bought by Orion Classics

September 5, 2018

Orion Classics will release the film in U.S. theaters on Nov. 1 and on VOD and Digital HD on Nov. 2!

Read more!

UNLOVABLE is part of the BendFilm Festival!

October 11-14, 2018

UNLOVABLE makes its Northwestern premiere at The BendFilm Festival!

UNLOVABLE makes its Los Angeles premiere at THE LA FILM FESTIVAL!

September 25, 2018

UNLOVABLE is part of the BUZZ section at The LA Film Festival! 

September 25th, 7:30PM, ArcLight Santa Monica!

Get your tickets here!

UNLOVABLE at The Calgary International Film Festival in Alberta, Canada!

September 19-30, 2018

THE PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER: "A Fil-Am actor's life: Charlene deGuzman"

August 2, 2018

Charlene is featured in the biggest newspaper in The Philippines!

Read it here!

UNLOVABLE at the Nantucket Film Festival!

June 20 & 21, 2018

UNLOVABLE is part of the ROOFTOP FILMS summer series in NYC!

June 19, 2018

The William Vale

Brooklyn, NY

Doors open at 7PM

Get your tickets here!

UNLOVABLE wins the Comcast Narrative Award at CAAMFest!

May 14, 2018

NBC News: Actress Charlene deGuzman turned her sex and love addiction into her first feature film

May 10, 2018

KQED: Now Playing! CAAMFest Salutes Pathbreakers, Then and Now

May 7, 2018

"Unlovable embodies another key aspect of CAAMFest: Highlighting the breadth of representation of Asian Americans in contemporary cinema."

Read more

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: 10 films to see at Asian American CAAMFest 36

May 4, 2018

UNLOVABLE makes the list!

Read more


May 11 & 20, 2018

UNLOVABLE will be screening at CAAMFest in San Francisco! CAAM celebrates Asian American film.

Click here for tickets!

UNLOVABLE is part of the Bentonville Film Festival!

May 2-3, 2018

Geena Davis' BFF champions diversity, inclusion, gender equality, and representation!

See the schedule here!

INDIEWIRE: Memo to Distributors: Buy These Movies From the 2018 SXSW Film Festival

March 16, 2018

"Suzi Yoonessi’s first feature film in nearly a decade has plenty going for it, from a timely message to a slew of star power both on the screen and behind the scenes, but it’s most appealing because of the full-force charm and talent of its leading lady, Charlene deGuzman."

Read more

A special buzz screening was added at SXSW!

Friday, March 16

9:30 PM

Alamo Lamar C

VARIETY: Film Review: ‘Unlovable’

March 14, 2018

“There are times when you’re tempted to turn away when Joy makes the latest in a long line of really bad, even self-destructive choices. But deGuzman’s performance is so arresting and engaging, you keep your eyes glued to her — if only so you don’t miss the next development that will be hilarious or heartbreaking or both.“

Read more

NO FILM SCHOOL: How 'Unlovable' Caught the Eye of Mark Duplass and the 2018 SXSW Awards

March 14, 2018

UNLOVABLE receives Special Jury Recognition for The SXSW LUNA Gamechanger Award for Narrative Feature!

March 13, 2018

INDIEWIRE: ‘Unlovable’ Review: Social Media Star Charlene deGuzman Breaks Out in Charming Sex Addiction Dramedy — SXSW 2018

March 13, 2018

"It’s a fluffy spin on the recovery genre, but it’s a fresh one, and deGuzman’s hard-won life experience adds veracity and honesty to the snappy narrative. She’s also just plain wonderful to watch, providing a tough character in a tough situation with the maximum of grace. Joy’s choices are often heartbreakers, the kind of stuff that makes you want to crawl through the screen and give her a swift shake, but “Unlovable” knows that such easy fixes aren’t possible, and the only answer is, of course, love."

Read more here!

THE MOVEABLE FEST: SXSW ’18 Review: There’s a Lot to Love in “Unlovable”

March 12, 2018

"With Hawkes and Leo bringing their considerable gravitas (and clearly having a good time in lighter fare than usual), deGuzman can go as big as she wants with Joy and between her 100-watt smile and an obvious comfort in her own skin, she’s has a natural radiance in her first feature leading role."

Read more here!

DEADLINE: ‘Unlovable’ Star Charlene DeGuzman On Personal Story Behind Musical Comedy — SXSW

March 11, 2018

“This story means a lot to me because I actually started writing it while I was in the beginning of my recovery from sex and love addiction. It felt really important to me to bring awareness to this because I feel like even if someone isn’t an addict, there is still that feeling of feeling unlovable, or broken, or wanting love,” DeGuzman told Deadline, appearing at SXSW with Yoonessi and Hawkes. “I just wanted to help people feel understood and less alone.”

Read more and watch the interview here!

AUSTIN 360: Fall in love with ‘Unlovable,’ an emotional yet comic story of a woman overcoming sex addiction

March 11, 2018

Grade: A

"DeGuzman has incredible comic timing, and her own experience with the material adds a depth to the character that couldn’t have come from just any actor taking on the script."

Read the review here!

LOS ANGELES TIMES: From DM to SXSW: The collaboration that led to Mark Duplass and Charlene deGuzman's 'Unlovable'

March 9, 2018

KICKSTARTER: ‘Unlovable’: Charlene deGuzman on Her Kickstarter-Funded Film and the Power of Being Vulnerable

March 9, 2018

"There is a lot of power in vulnerability. The more of yourself you show, the more of your truth you share, the more people can connect to you." - Charlene deGuzman

Read the interview here!

TALKHOUSE: How Making A Movie Saved My Life by Charlene deGuzman

March 8, 2018

Recovering sex and love addict Charlene deGuzman on the transformative effect her SXSW-premiering film Unlovable had on her.

Read it here!

THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE: Charlene deGuzman Tackles Sex and Love Addiction in SXSW Film Unlovable

March 8, 2018

Read it here!

INDIEWIRE: SXSW 2018: 12 Must-See Films at This Year’s Festival

March 7, 2018

UNLOVABLE makes its world premiere at SXSW!

March 10, 2018

UNLOVABLE will be premiering at SXSW in Austin, TX!

Check out the screening schedule here!

Charlene is on A FUNNY FEELING podcast!

January 23, 2018

Charlene talks about being a psychic medium with Marcy Jarreau and Betsy Sodaro!

SPLITSIDER: The 15 Funniest Twitter Accounts of 2017

December 26, 2017

"While lately she might be pivoting into more prestigious pastures (namely writing and starring alongside Melissa Leo and John Hawkes in Unlovable, her feature debut she developed with Mark Duplass), Charlene deGuzman cut her teeth in the UCB comedy community and opening as a standup for Patton Oswalt. It was her witty, whip-smart observational tweets on love and identity that initially generated an early following, which she then capitalized on even further with her short film, I Forgot My Phone, which has been viewed over 50 million times."

See the list here!

HUFFPOST: The 50 Funniest Tweets From Women In 2017

December 21, 2017

GIRL REBUILT: Charlene deGuzman on love, creativity and addicition

November 1, 2017

Charlene did an interview on love addiction and her recovery!

Read it here!

FUNNY OR DIE: Charlene in "Is There Anything Nick Lachey Can't Do?"

September 27, 2017

"20 Times @charstarene was the funniest person on Twitter"

September 25, 2017

"Charlene deGuzman, aka @charstarlene, always makes us laugh and always makes us think. Here are some of her best tweets."

Read it here!

GLAMOUR: The Life-Altering Realities of Sex and Love Addiction

July 14, 2017

Charlene was interviewed for GLAMOUR!

Read it here!

Charlene is a guest on the REALITY BYTES podcast!

June 16, 2017

Charlene talks self-love, self-care, sex and love addiction, and recovery on JASH's REALITY BYTES podcast!

Listen here!

UNLOVABLE is the winner of the 2017 Sun Valley Film Festival Film Lab!

March 18, 2017

The Sun Valley Film Festival, Trevor Groth (director of programming of the Sundance Film Festival), and Tito's Handmade Vodka awarded UNLOVABLE with $7000 to help with the finishing of the film!

UNLOVABLE at the Sun Valley Film Festival!

March 17, 2017

UNLOVABLE has officially been selected for the THE FILM LAB at the Sun Valley Film Festival!

Only two work-in-progress films were selected to screen their films to receive feedback from both the audience and host Trevor Groth (Director of Programming for the Sundance Film Festival) as they prepare to lock their films, and send them into the film festival fray! The winning film will get $7000 in finishing funds!


UNLOVABLE will screen a rough cut on Friday, March 17th, 4:30PM, at the Cinetransformer! Tickets here!

Charlene is named one of the 25 Funniest People on Twitter by ROLLING STONE!

September 21, 2016

Alongside names like Steve Martin, Conan O'Brien, and Leslie Jones! 

See the list here!

DEAR CHARLENE premieres in FLOOD Magazine!

August 29, 2016

Charlene now has a monthly advice column!

Ask her anything at Your identity will remain anonymous. 

VULTURE: Melissa Leo and Patton Oswalt Will Join Kickstarter-Backed Indie Film Unlovable

August 23, 2016

VARIETY: Melissa Leo, Patton Oswalt Join Charlene deGuzman’s ‘Unlovable’

August 23, 2016

IndieWire: Melissa Leo Joins Web Star Charlene deGuzman’s Debut Feature Film ‘Unlovable’

August 23, 2016

Melissa Leo joins the cast of UNLOVABLE! Patton Oswalt signs on as Associate Producer!

Read about it on IndieWire!

Charlene is a guest on TALK EASY with Sam Fragoso!

August 16, 2016

Charlene spoke candidly about going viral, childhood, depression, addiction, sex work, how comedy saved her life, and her current state of happiness and healthy relationships!

Listen to it here!

Charlene is a guest on DEFINITELY DYING!

August 14, 2016

Charlene talked about sex and love addiction to comedians Madeline Walter and Ben Axelrad on UCB Comedy's DEFINITELY DYING podcast!

What Hoda Said with Charlene deGuzman

Charlene writes for The Talkhouse!

August 12, 2016

Charlene wrote about the movies that shaped her life! And find out which movie inspired her to make Unlovable.

"Some of My Best Friends are Movies" by Charlene deGuzman

Charlene is featured in the latest issue of FLOOD MAGAZINE!!!

June 28, 2016

Check it out on in print, and online here!

"The LA-based comedian turned fifty million heads with a viral video and has amassed a devoted following thanks to her radical transparency. Turns out being vulnerable on the Internet can be a good thing."

Charlene is a guest on the I BURN EVERYTHING podcast!

April 20, 2016

Charlene talked to Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz about love addiction and sober dating!


Listen here!

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